

YCMOU (Yashvantrao chavhan Maharashtra Open University

V-125 (Diploma in Interior Design)

V-125 (Advanced Diploma in Interior design)

St. Francis INSTITUTE'S own courses (Autonomous)

MDID (Master Diploma in Interior Design ) Regular Course

DID (Diploma in Interior Design ) Part- time Course

Highlights of Regular Course

Research Methodology :

The purpose of this module is to provide a formal framework within which students may structure their individual approach to each interior design project and to the course as a whole. By meticulously planning and documenting each aspect of their progress, students will be able to critically evaluate their own method of working and manage time more effectively. This method of record keeping is also an important way in which to establish authorship of work, both on this program and in professional practice.

Advanced Theory of Interior Design :

In this module students learn to evaluate the advanced components of design and specifically how they work together to create successful interior designs. Understanding how the union of various components relate to the effectiveness of the completed interior, will enable us to apply this knowledge in the development of their own designs achieving balance and harmony, and to manipulate components to accomplish special effects.

Professional Design Practice :

The aim of this module is to equip students with the necessary skills and competencies needed to work effectively as design professionals. This is designed to augment strong creative and visual skills, competencies and expertise required to work successfully in the design industry.
This Professional Design Practice combines contemporary education practices, meaningful industry links and excellent facilities to deliver this unique program. It combines research, practical studio work and the development of relevant technology and entrepreneurial skills.
Input from leading design industry professionals is central to the delivery of the program. This ensures that participants will understand the context of creativity and design within professional design practice. Apart from creative importance, design projects will emphasize the development of team working, project management and communication skills. Skills that are essential in order to lead in today’s competitive and demanding design industry.

Final Major Design Project (Regular course) :

It is a vital characteristic of professional Interior Designers that the various types of skills and knowledge are tightly integrated and applied holistically. In fact, interior design will only have real meaning and value when it is applied in this way. In this final module of the REGULAR COURSE program, students will conduct focused research in a specialized area of interior design and produce a report, presenting their conclusions. Students will then be required it integrate their findings with core interior design skills and apply them in the development of this project, thereby demonstrating a holistic approach in designing interior environments that positively impact the quality of people’s lives. This is a self-generated project that enables students to pursue a specialist area of their own choice. In completing this project, students will be required to produce the necessary drawings, documentation and presentation aids to an extremely high professional standard and the entire design process and methodology must be meticulously documented. On successful completion of this module, students will demonstrate mastery in a specialized area of interior design and this will provide them with the skills and knowledge to position themselves competitively in dynamic market place.

Dissertation :

The aim of this module is to enable students to explore a subject of interest to them, and to further develop research skills, thinking/ analytical skills and writing ability. This module provides a formal framework within which students may demonstrate their ability to independently conduct detailed research, and then present a knowledgeable and informed argument based on their findings. Students should note that their chosen subject is notnecessarily limited to interior design, but should be related to art and design.

Highlights of Part-time Course

Methodology :

The purpose of this module is to provide a formal framework within which students may structure their individual approach to each interior design project and to the course as a whole. By meticulously planning and documenting each aspect of their progress, students will be able to critically evaluate their own method of working and manage time more effectively. This method of record keeping is also an important way in which to establish authorship of work, both on this program and in professional practice.

Professional Design Practice :

In this module, students are required to demonstrate an analytical and methodical approach to the process of developing, programming and implementing design solutions. Students must research and comply with all legal and ethical restrictions relevant to them, and students are expected to demonstrate a high professional standard of organizational and time management skills, and the ability to price their services competitively.

Final Design Project :

The aim of this module is to build on prior knowledge and design skills gained by students, so they can generate practical and innovative design solutions and can manage a project from inception to completion. This is a self project that enables students to pursue a specialist area of their own choice. And to demonstrate that they have reached maturity by making key decisions and justifying those decisions with sound reasons. Students will be required to set their own schedule for completing various key stages of this project, and in doing so they will demonstrate highly resolved interior design ability coupled with discipline to manage projects and complete work to deadlines. This project is an appropriate preparation for entry to the professional interior design industry where PART TIME COURSE students will be required to work autonomously and independently with the field.

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